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Sei la mano, tentando limpar o mundo

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The more you degrade your environment, the more you mismanage your environment, the more you are likely to dig yourself deeper into poverty. 



 —Wangari Muta Maathai 

The more you degrade your environment, the more you mismanage your environment, the more you are likely to dig yourself deeper into poverty. 



Don't know what's happening in Sudan? Here's a summary...

Original content: @imanahmeddd 

Omar Bashir (Dictator of 30 years) stepped down in April a TRANSITIONAL government and Military Council until a new leader elected was decided. Peaceful rallies took place for two months demanding civilian rule. UNTIL JUNE... The RSF (Rapid Support Forces) militia also known as "Janjaweed" violently attacked and shot demonstrators during the holy month of Ramadan - OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE! Over 500 people dead, hospital access blocked, they are raping hundreds of women! even the men! For no reason! WTF










Original content: @imanahmeddd 




October 15, 2019

The most precious natural resource, the very source of life is continually undermined and wasted for things like: almond milk, just ask california. even in this day and age we still live with statistics like: 1 in 9 people (844 million) still lacking access to safe water and 2.3 billion (1 in 3 people) still not having access to a toilet, a toilet! by 2030, 700 million people worldwide could potentially be displaced by extreme water scarcity. the problems to many of the worlds ills time and time again point back to climate change. something that is as real as you and me. but the greedy, soulless, blood suckers would have you believe otherwise. nearly half of the global population is already living in potential water-scarce areas at least one month per year. this could increase to almost 6 billion by 2050. they project that about 73% of the people most affected by this will be living in asia. we’ve all heard of the what happened and is happening in flint and Newark but i believe we are so far from the tipping point. there will only continue to be a rise in places that experience similar fates. and unfortunately, most of them will be in underserved and underfunded communities with the majority of the population being minorities. 


women and children are disproportionately affected as they are often tasked with collecting the water and caring for other children and siblings. the lack of water and sanitation creates an inescapable cycle of poverty and miseducation as children can’t make it to school due to what they have to do. women can be unburdened from hygiene-related diseases that are drastically remediated by simply providing safe water conditions. nearly 1 million people die each year due to water-related matters. they estimate that $260 billion is lost each year in economic opportunity due to simple water and sanitation conditions. 

the incredible proliferation of urban areas will continue to place a stronghold on the ever growing tug between water demand and supply. there are certain places like india and many southern countries in africa that are feeling the pressure more than others but any problem faced by such heavily populated regions such as india and africa is a global problem. water shortages are often exacerbated by natural occurrences that are ramped up by the frequency of natural disasters, which has man’s fingerprints all over it. these disasters are causing floods in one area while another is severely wrought by droughts, leaving some places like chennai, india, a city of 7 million people, to import water by train on a daily basis. in cape town, after a three-year drought last year, the city came very close to “day zero”, a day where most taps would be shut off because there is simply nothing there.  

out of the 17 countries that hold 1/4 of the world’s population, all are running out of water. in a world already plagued with chaos and confusion about lending a helping hand and housing its displaced human kin, does it find a solution before a globla “day zero”? the world is getting smaller by the second and if we don’t come together and find real solutions to reduce our mindless take-and-waste ways, it will become much smaller much sooner. if we don’t stop doing insanely stupid human things like burning the amazon down for cattle grazing space in order to have that perfectly instagramable burger, we will perish slowly but surely painfully. 

This photo was unapologetically taken from the Times online. A Megacity Without Water: São Paulo's Drought Oct 13, 2015. Three years later and the water crisis has become worse.

Photography,  Paulo Whitaker—Reuters


The more you degrade your environment, the more you mismanage your environment, the more you are likely to dig yourself deeper into poverty. 



 —Wangari Muta Maathai 


USE NEWSPAPER OR BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL TO COLLECT YOUR DOG SHIT. It is uncomfortable, when it rains it's worse. An absolute inconvenience but it must be done so we can continue to live

October 15, 2019





October 15, 2019

If the recent effects of climate change is any indication (hottest month every recorded, record setting days acros europe, catastrophic forest fires, droughts, inexplicable weather patterns), passing the buck to the next generation will not be so easy. We must deal with the mess we’ve made before it’s someone else’s problem. 

It’s reported that 3/4 of all garbage in the ocean is plastic and it is predicted that by 2050, plastic pollution in the ocean will outweigh marine life. Approximately eight million metric tons of plastic enter the world's oceans each year, and the amount of ocean plastic will increase threefold in the next ten years if nothing is done.  Current levels of plastic pollution kill more than 1 million birds and 100,000 marine mammals annually. 

In North America and Europe, more than 95% of households have access to clean drinking water, making bottled water unnecessary. People are drinking water by the bottle like it’s going out of business because it goes back to fears that they have about the drinking water that is readily available. Despite the advances in the quality of tap water, many still fear it, I’m a victim myself, but with where things are, we have to put assumptions aside and get educated! We have to not make the easy choices simply because of convenience or concerns about lies that have been told to us to fatten the pockets of the ones who profit from our fears. There are concerns about particles in bottled water as well, there is always an issue to be faced. By looking for solutions like finding a filter, especially for the parts of the world where clean tap water is not an option, that works for your home, we can all have an incredible impact on the future of humanity. 


This photo was unapologetically taken from the Times online. 

A Megacity Without Water: São Paulo's Drought Oct 13, 2015.

Three years later and the water crisis has become worse.

Photography,  Paulo Whitaker—Reuters




February 15, 2020

The supreme writer and lyricist, Jay Electronica, could possibly remove an asterisk soon by offering a long delayed, but awaited, debut album. The New Orleans, Louisiana native released Eternal Sunshine in 2007 during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, one of the most catastrophic storms in U.S. history. A 2007 report by the American Society of Civil Engineers indicated that two-thirds of the flooding was caused by the multiple failures of the city's flood walls. The storm surge also devastated the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama. The government was slow to move, poor black people appeared to be the demographic most impacted by this devastation. There were things seen on the screen to never be forgotten. Tough times are remedied through art, whether A Written Testimony manifests or not, inshallah, celebrate this prolific opus, thank you. 


Jay Electronica - Eternal Sunshine. 2007

00:00 / 15:40









A gente não está vivendo uma campanha, estamos lutando pela Mãe Terra. É muito importante que toda a população compareça independente do seu partido. Esses incêndios não são por acaso, consequências da sua versão da nossa historia. Tem culpa e responsabilidade sim. 


Existe um processo de apropriação e destruição das Amazônias desde que o Brasil existe. Hoje em dia podemos esclarecer quais são os culpados - madeireiros com apoio de fazendeiros, mineradores, vereadores, prefeitos, deputados da região, cooperação de policiais, de organizações que recebem apoio da Vale do Rio Doce, o silêncio do governador do Maranhão - Flávio Dino - animados com o Bolsonaro e o pior vilão de todos VOCÊ. 


À Floresta Amazônica não tem volta, o meio ambiente também não tem volta. As pessoas acham que o meio ambiente é muito grande, acham que ainda tem muito para desmatar. Elas não sabem que depois de uma certa percentagem de destruição, a própria  floresta começa a se destruir sozinha. As Amazonas tem um limite que é mais ou menos 25% e já estamos a 19%. E por isso que o mundo está louco. E por isso que nos desesperamos.

English Translation

Brazil is the largest international beef exporter in the world. The destruction caused to make this revenue never comes back to the Brazilian population to achieve economic, social or environmental justice. 

In fact the Amazons are on fire to make way for soy plantations to feed cattle to then feed you with no regard of sacred indigenous land. The Amazon rainforest regulates the world’s oxygen and carbon cycles much like our lungs. Stop eating meat.

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