top of page's operational framework is that a sizeable portion, equivalent to thirty percent of every transaction pertaining to sale of an item is allocated towards innovative programs and initiatives that have been meticulously evaluated and approved by the organization for the sole purpose of improving our environment. Such initiatives may include schemes targeting reduction of carbon footprints, promotion of renewable energy sources, bolstering sustainable agriculture, and advancing social justice and equality. Channeling a portion of revenue towards fostering positive changes is a cycle that the organization is committed to contributing to the betterment of our society. Patrons choosing to shop through thus make a discerning choice that allows them to partake in the responsible vision of nurturing a sustainable world.
Currently is supporting:
The Ocean Clean Up
Return Policy
You can return purchases within 10 (ten) days of delivery
Items must be in original condition
Online shopping is convenient but extremely, overall costly
We'll work to be even more efficient and reduce our carbon footprint as we go along disappearing waste.
Take your time shopping, make sure each item represents your identity accurately, choose environmentally friendly companies, refuse new packaging wHeN YoU CaN
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